How much do you know about ticks? Did you know that they start to come out when it’s 4 C outside? With our warmer winter weather, we are now seeing ticks all year round.

Why is it so important to prevent them? Ticks can be carriers of several diseases, the most common one we see is Lyme disease. Only a small percentage of dogs will show signs of Lyme disease which is why it is important to test as Lyme disease can cause kidney failure. Frequently owners have not seen ticks on their dogs but they test positive for Lyme disease.

Ticks can be hard to find and they leave the animal after they are done eating. If you see a large, engulfed tick on your pet chances are it’s been there for a few days.Now remain calm! It is important to remove the tick completely and consult with your veterinarian to see if you should get your dog tested.

Here are a few tips:

• Stay out of long grass/cedar edges/wooded areas because this is where ticks like to live.

• Topical/oral tick prevention

• Prevention is always better! An effective oral or topical tick prevention will kill off ticks trying to make a meal of your pet. Make sure to choose a veterinary product as they are proven effective.

• Ask your veterinarian if your pet should be vaccinated against lyme disease. With the warmer season at our doorsteps, it’s time to protect your pet against ticks!